Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Gift of Time

Our school has an after-school Chess Club run by one of the dads, Philip Beanblossom (wearing the green shirt in the first photo). Philip started the program last school year and volunteered his time on Monday afternoons to teach the children the game of chess. The program was a huge success and we are grateful that he plans to continue it next school year.

Philip sent out an email to the parents last week announcing a chess get together/reunion this afternoon. It was an opportunity for the children to refresh their skills and connect with each other after a few months of summer break. Many families took him up on his offer!

I love that my girls are learning the game of chess. I love that they are learning the etiquette and sportsmanship of the game as well. I love that they see themselves as powerful thinkers. And I love the reminder that giving your time to enrich the lives of children is a beautiful gift.

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