Thursday, July 18, 2013

Let's Do This.........Day One of Finding the Love

So today is the big day........the day that I start my 365 day awakening to the love all around me. Let me begin by giving myself props for starting this adventure on a day that love is flowing out to me from all over the country. At least I know I can "find the love" on 1 of these 365 days!

I awoke to hugs from my 7 year old daughter Brooke and a table filled with surprises including flowers from my yard arranged lovingly by my hubby, Tony. My 9 year old daughter, Maya, got up early and made breakfast and lunches for the day. She also gave me a handmade card with a gift of $20.50 in it. The money was from her saved up allowance. To be honest, at first it was hard for me to accept such a generous gift. But when she told me with tears in her eyes "Mommy, it is now yours. I want you to have it", I knew that there was no other option than for me to happily accept it (so I did with tears streaming down my face!!). In the striped box was the portable hammock that I have been wanting. I can't wait to tie it between two trees, grab my book, and get to relaxing!

Later in the day, I had a wonderful lunch with my mother. She let the waiter know that it was my 
birthday and he added a little something to our dessert.

Today, my girls were in camp at the school where I also work. I came early to pick them up and was serenaded by some of my students who also made a cupcake for me complete with a sparkler candle! So very sweet. Later tonight, I will be having a birthday dinner of sushi while relaxing with my family.

I have gotten many phone calls, texts, Facebook posts, and cards for my birthday this year. As I mentioned before, today has been quite an easy day to feel the love. Thank you to everyone who made my birthday special. Now if only the rest of the year is this easy.........


  1. I 'LOVE' this! i can't wait to see how you recognize love in unique or common, special or everyday, little or big ways. So happy for you to have started this! Enjoy your journey! <3 Gigi

  2. I am inspired to start something similar on my birthday as well... Thanks for the inspiration! Looking forward to following along with you!! :)

    And like Gigi said, I LOVE this idea too! Great idea!!

  3. what an amazing thing to do Gina! (and you are the amazing person to undertake it). its a gift to know you and I cannot wait to follow your journey.

    Enjoy your hammock Gina!
