Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Last Post!

Tuesday, July 15th: I am writing this post in the future since I have been traveling for a week and have found myself living in the moment! Today, the girls and I headed out on our road trip to Kansas. We stayed with our friends in Columbus, Ohio. They were so gracious in offering to host us and treat us like queens! So grateful to have long lasting and like minded friendships even when distance is a factor!

Wednesday, July 16th: Today was our long 11 hour stretch to our destination. It was wonderful to be greeted by smiling faces and to meet my newest nephew, Spencer Eric! The girls and I were in love from the moment we first saw him. It was fun as well to see my adorable, feisty three year old nephew, Christian, and hear his squeals of delight in showing us around his new house. So very grateful to have had the time and the ability to make this trip happen!

Thursday, July 17th: Today we spent the day hanging out at home and in Kansas City, Missouri.

Friday, July 18th: Happy Birthday to me! Today marks a year since I first began this blog. Focusing on love and gratitude has helped me move through this year of challenge and transition and has moved me to another level spiritually. I am so very grateful for all the people in my life and for the direction that my life is moving. I feel blessed beyond words!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14th: So grateful that the storm that came through our area did not do any damage or cause us to lose power. Mother Nature is so powerful!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Thursday, July 10th:  Today I saw these two cuties in my backyard. So grateful to be living in the woods!

Friday, July 11th: Today I went camping at Rocky Gap with some good friends. After setting up our tents, we saw this guy crawling near our tents……a rattlesnake. Luckily, the rangers came pretty quickly to move it to another location (far, far away from us!). Loved the campfire and warm summer evening.

Saturday, July 12th: Today I went for a trail run with my friend Gigi and then hung out at the beach. I love that Rocky Gap is a mix of mountains and beach--two of my favorites! Spent some time kayaking with Maya and then had a fabulous steak taco dinner cooked on the grill.

Sunday, July 13th: Headed home today after watching our friend Jason run in a tough duathlon. So grateful for good friends and a family who loves to camp as much as I do.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday, July 9th: Treated myself to a new hairdo today…..LOVE it!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tuesday, July 8th: So grateful to have gone for a 2.5 mile run today (made it up the hill!) and then go on a 2.5 mile walk later in the day with a friend. My body feels good!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Sunday and Monday

Sunday, July 6th: Today we spent the morning at the Farmers Market in Baltimore. I got an amazing falafel sandwich wrapped in collard greens and we bought tons of fresh produce. Later I cooked up some plantains….delicious!

Monday, July 7th: Today I am grateful for my girls' interest in books and swimming. We spent a lot of time in the library and in Barnes and Noble (two of our favorite places) and then we headed to our friends' pool for swimming lessons. To top off the day, we headed to another friend's pool to relax and hang out. So lucky!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Monday, June 23rd: Today we headed to Costa Rica. The flight was an easy one and we ended up hanging out in the San Jose area to meet my brother Andre. I am grateful for a safe flight for all of us.

Tuesday, June 24th: Today we headed to our beach house to meet Jeff, Judy, James, and Jules. It was an idyllic setting. We got to watch Costa Rica in the World Cup with the locals. Mucho fun!

Wednesday, June 25th: Today we spent time having surfing lessons and then went to a roadside restaurant for dinner. I didn't have my camera for pictures of the surfing but did catch some pictures of the kids playing with their napkins while waiting for dinner. Grateful to be hanging at the beach and doing what the locals do!

Thursday, June 26th: Today we went rappelling and zip lining. SO MUCH FUN!!! I loved the whole experience and was so very proud of my girls and my nephews! Later that night, Judy and the kids cooked dinner…..delicious!

Friday, June 27th: Today we went to Manuel Antonio National Park. We got to see some amazing animals and then had some beach time. It was absolutely gorgeous. On the way home, we stopped at an open air restaurant for a drink and some snacks. 

Saturday, June 28th: Today we went on a horseback rising trip to a waterfall. I loved watching my girls experience horseback riding for the first time. They really liked it.

Sunday, June 29th: Today we watched the World Cup game (Costa Rica vs Greece) in the local bar. It was an amazing experience to cheer Costa Rica to victory during a shoot out after overtime!

Monday, June 30th: Today we traveled to another part of Costa Rica near Volcano Arenal….beautiful drive!

Tuesday, July 1st: Today we went for a very rainy hike near Volcano Arenal. We enjoyed the hot springs at the hotel and had a nice surprise in our room when we returned.

Wednesday, July 2nd: Today we headed back towards the airport. We found a great roadside "soda" (small eatery) and had a wonderful meal!

Thursday, July 3rd: Today we headed home. The first leg of the trip was a bit of a rough flight, but the second leg was a lot smoother. So grateful to be home safely.

Friday, July 4th: Today we slept in and spent some time with my dear friend, Heather, as it was her birthday. Catching back up with the reality of life back home…..all good!

Saturday, July 5th: I had a really productive work meting this morning and then took the girls to a crystal class where they learned about different crystals and the energy each brings. Grateful to have friends who are open to this practice too!!