Sunday, July 13, 2014

Thursday, July 10th:  Today I saw these two cuties in my backyard. So grateful to be living in the woods!

Friday, July 11th: Today I went camping at Rocky Gap with some good friends. After setting up our tents, we saw this guy crawling near our tents……a rattlesnake. Luckily, the rangers came pretty quickly to move it to another location (far, far away from us!). Loved the campfire and warm summer evening.

Saturday, July 12th: Today I went for a trail run with my friend Gigi and then hung out at the beach. I love that Rocky Gap is a mix of mountains and beach--two of my favorites! Spent some time kayaking with Maya and then had a fabulous steak taco dinner cooked on the grill.

Sunday, July 13th: Headed home today after watching our friend Jason run in a tough duathlon. So grateful for good friends and a family who loves to camp as much as I do.

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