Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Last Post!

Tuesday, July 15th: I am writing this post in the future since I have been traveling for a week and have found myself living in the moment! Today, the girls and I headed out on our road trip to Kansas. We stayed with our friends in Columbus, Ohio. They were so gracious in offering to host us and treat us like queens! So grateful to have long lasting and like minded friendships even when distance is a factor!

Wednesday, July 16th: Today was our long 11 hour stretch to our destination. It was wonderful to be greeted by smiling faces and to meet my newest nephew, Spencer Eric! The girls and I were in love from the moment we first saw him. It was fun as well to see my adorable, feisty three year old nephew, Christian, and hear his squeals of delight in showing us around his new house. So very grateful to have had the time and the ability to make this trip happen!

Thursday, July 17th: Today we spent the day hanging out at home and in Kansas City, Missouri.

Friday, July 18th: Happy Birthday to me! Today marks a year since I first began this blog. Focusing on love and gratitude has helped me move through this year of challenge and transition and has moved me to another level spiritually. I am so very grateful for all the people in my life and for the direction that my life is moving. I feel blessed beyond words!

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