Saturday, July 13, 2013

Where is the love?

I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now (years actually).  Lots of ideas have crossed my mind as to what the topic of my blog could be: parenting, teaching, connection to nature, family life, etc. etc. etc. All these are passions of mine, yet none of these specifically "spoke" to me when I listened within for a theme of my blog to emerge.

Then one day last week, I got my idea. My 43rd birthday is approaching.....this Thursday, July 18th to be exact. On this day, I plan to start my 365-day campaign to recognize love and all its forms in my life. Each day, I will look for (and document) "proof" that love is always there. All that is needed is for me  wake up and pay attention.

I hope you follow along with me on my journey and I hope in some way this inspires you to awaken to the love that is all around you as well.                    

With Love,
Gina Andreone Strauss

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