Friday, July 26, 2013

Perfectionism Be Gone...A Lesson in Painting My Front Door

One of my biggest life lessons is in letting go of the desire for perfection. In my earlier years, I was very much a Type A type of person.....always scheduling things, always on time, always planning my next project. In my mid-30's (and after having children), I started experimenting with being a Type B type of person.....going with the flow, arriving late to a party every now and then, and seeing how plans developed naturally. I am enjoying this new way of being.... so much so that I am now even experimenting with being a Type C type of person, particularly when it comes to cleaning my house.  :)

I am happy that I am now better able to be whatever type I need to be in any given situation. At the same time, I realize that procrastination can set in if I lean too far to the Type B side of my personality. And this is compounded when my desire for perfection sneaks in. Case in front door.

I have been planning to paint our front door for a month now. The supplies have been sitting in our basement since then. I have been telling myself the story that I want the door to look amazing because, of course, it is the first thing that our guests will see. There are a bunch of imperfections in the door and so "fixing those up" seemed really important to me.

Last week, I finally jumped in and painted the first coat. I liked how it looked but it was obvious that it needed a second and final coat. Days went by without me going near the paintbrush. "What if it doesn't look the way I want it to? What if people can see all the imperfections? What if I don't like the final color? I don't really feel like taking the time to paint it again if it doesn't look right." So many stories in my head that led me to avoid finishing the project.

Today, I let go of the drama and began trusting the process. I picked up the paintbrush and finished the job. And I love it (imperfections and all)!

The door used to be the color of the blue in the Welcome sign.


  1. Ha! I meant to tell you how awesome the door looked this morning. It's like this gorgeous blueish black
