Thursday, September 5, 2013

Yes, I Am a Soccer Mom

Ok, I'll admit it. I L-O-V-E being a soccer mom. My gentle persona turns into a loud yelling machine once I get on the sidelines. So far, my daughters haven't minded that their mother gets stares from other parents. And I make sure to only yell "go, go, go" and "great kick" as opposed to running along the side of the field acting as a pseudo coach. 

I am so proud of both of my girls who have come such a long way in their soccer skills. Brooke has switched from a butterfly watching defender to a hard kicking goal scorer. Maya has turned into an amazingly aggressive player this year due to a sudden swell in confidence. 

Pictures to follow soon after Saturday's first game. I don't know who is more excited.....the girls, Coach Tony, or me!

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