Saturday, September 21, 2013

9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/21

9/18: Today I am grateful for our family's pediatrician, Dr. Rose Mulaikel, who rearranged her schedule at that last minute in order to see Brooke for her pre-op physical. She knew we were in a time crunch because we were on the camping trip with our school and the surgery was two days away. So grateful for the relationship we have built with her and for her amazingly caring attitude.

9/19: Today I LOVED our visit to Elk Neck State Park to play on the beach and kayak. Here are some pictures of Maya, Brooke, and I from that day.

9/20: Today Brooke had surgery on her nose. It was a bit off to the side and the ENT doctor was able to "pop it back in" easily. I am so grateful for the wonderful staff at GMBC. They treated Brooke like a queen and helped guide me along in the process too. Here are some pictures of Brooke in the journey:

9/21: Today I loved being able to clean and organize my house and make some decisions about the kitchen (range hood, faucet, slider door, plan for picking out the granite slab for the countertop). I am realizing that I can live in chaos for quite some time and I also relish the process and finished product of a clean and organized house! A big thank you to Tony for helping me to make it happen!

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