Sunday, September 15, 2013

Food for My Body and My Soul

Today, one of my friends asked her community to come and support her in her dream to start up a food truck business. She prepared tons of possible food truck menu items and asked for our candid feedback. I was so touched to be a part of this great community of friends! Here are some pictures of the samples:

I left her house with my belly happily full and went to an event to fill my mind and heart! Don Miguel Ruiz Sr. (author of many books including The Four Agreements) and Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. (author of "The Five Levels of Attachment) spoke in Baltimore tonight. It is hard to sum up their teaching in just a few sentences. It was so profound. The main ideas I got from the lecture are: things exist based on what people say 'yes' to, when the truth begins to shift, only you know what makes you happy.....find that happiness so you can change your world, and my favorite quote "Life is simple.....stop making it hard."

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