Monday, September 30, 2013

Special Visit

Tonight we had a special treat....a visit from my brother, Pete, who lives in Kansas. He swung by Baltimore for a quick visit before heading to Albany, NY for a trial (he is a lawyer). We miss him and his family ALOT so it was wonderful to catch up and spend some time with him! 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Rose

One of my students came in on Friday morning and handed me a rose and a picture that she made for me. The picture was of a leprechaun underneath a rainbow. My favorite part of all was the note that said "I Love You".  

Her gesture of love reminds me how important it is to share your joy.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday and Saturday's post....The Power of the Feminine

Friday's Post: Tonight I went to my book club meeting with a bunch of my girlfriends. We talked about the book "Me Than You" and then had a very deep discussion about perception, image, and honesty. I love that I am friends with a group of such strong, unique, and loving women.

Saturday's Post: Today I listened to the "warm up" call for the sugar detox that I am starting on Monday. Again, I am touched by the power of woman when they join together in support of each other. I am looking forward to the cleanse and to finding other ways to "treat" myself besides food. I am thinking an acupuncture session and a massage are in order!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friends Celebrating a Happy Anniversary

Tonight, I enjoyed being around a couple who was celebrating their wedding anniversary. It was evident how much they loved and respected each other and their joy was contagious.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Visit to Pella

So grateful for Donna who works at the Pella store in Hunt Valley. Tony, the girls, and I met over there to look at slider doors. Their website said they would be open until 7pm. We got there at 6pm. Donna was helping another customer and said she would be with us in a minute.

She told us that the store actually closed at 5pm and she was just finishing up with the other customer. The sign outside read closed at 5pm. We mentioned that the website said the store was open until 7pm on Wednesdays. She said she would be happy to stay and help us. She even cancelled an appointment that she had for later in the evening in order to stay and help us.

She was pleasant and did not rush us at all. With all the coordinating that we needed to do to make it there tonight, we were so lucky that Donna was willing to help us. 

It sticks in your mind when someone goes above and beyond. Lesson learned!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sugar Detox

I am so grateful to be a part of a sugar detox starting next week. Our leader is Richele Henry who is an amazing woman with a huge heart.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sweet Smell

I LOVE being able to give my daughters a hug and smelling their sweetness. It is one of my favorite parts of the day. I really love that Brooke enjoys the practice as much as I do. We both take at least 5 long breaths of each other each night. It is so calming and brings me right back to the present!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Shopping with Maya

Today I loved going clothes shopping with Maya. On a whim, we went to the Kids Clothing Exchange Sale at Pine Valley Swim Club. She found some great clothes and I didn't break the bank! The time spent together was priceless!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

9/18, 9/19, 9/20, 9/21

9/18: Today I am grateful for our family's pediatrician, Dr. Rose Mulaikel, who rearranged her schedule at that last minute in order to see Brooke for her pre-op physical. She knew we were in a time crunch because we were on the camping trip with our school and the surgery was two days away. So grateful for the relationship we have built with her and for her amazingly caring attitude.

9/19: Today I LOVED our visit to Elk Neck State Park to play on the beach and kayak. Here are some pictures of Maya, Brooke, and I from that day.

9/20: Today Brooke had surgery on her nose. It was a bit off to the side and the ENT doctor was able to "pop it back in" easily. I am so grateful for the wonderful staff at GMBC. They treated Brooke like a queen and helped guide me along in the process too. Here are some pictures of Brooke in the journey:

9/21: Today I loved being able to clean and organize my house and make some decisions about the kitchen (range hood, faucet, slider door, plan for picking out the granite slab for the countertop). I am realizing that I can live in chaos for quite some time and I also relish the process and finished product of a clean and organized house! A big thank you to Tony for helping me to make it happen!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Camping Fun

So excited to go camping with 28 great kids tomorrow. I am grateful that our school is committed to this kind of learning experience for the children and that my daughters and I get to participate! 

I will be offline for the next three days and will be back to post three days worth of LOVE on Friday.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dinner Delivered

Today I am grateful that my mom and step-father came over with delicious Chinese food for dinner. It was great to catch up and to show them around the new parts of our kitchen!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Food for My Body and My Soul

Today, one of my friends asked her community to come and support her in her dream to start up a food truck business. She prepared tons of possible food truck menu items and asked for our candid feedback. I was so touched to be a part of this great community of friends! Here are some pictures of the samples:

I left her house with my belly happily full and went to an event to fill my mind and heart! Don Miguel Ruiz Sr. (author of many books including The Four Agreements) and Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. (author of "The Five Levels of Attachment) spoke in Baltimore tonight. It is hard to sum up their teaching in just a few sentences. It was so profound. The main ideas I got from the lecture are: things exist based on what people say 'yes' to, when the truth begins to shift, only you know what makes you happy.....find that happiness so you can change your world, and my favorite quote "Life is simple.....stop making it hard."

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

LOVE,LOVE, LOVE our new cabinets!!!

Our new cabinets are beautiful! I am SO grateful to Robyn and Paul for spending their day beginning the installation process.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Love of Learning

I am SO grateful that both of my girls work hard at their schoolwork. They have different styles.....Maya likes to plan everything out and tackle things in a methodical way. Brooke likes to jump in and do marathon work sessions so she can have marathon play sessions! 

I am grateful for our wonderful school for helping to develop this love of learning. My girls know who they are as learners and are confident that they can find the answers if they don't know them right away.   I know that this early foundation will be so important in the years to come.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Harry Potter

I love Harry Potter books. I love that Maya enjoys reading them too and was the one who got me into reading the whole series. I love that our family is watching the movies together and I love that Maya wants to receive a letter inviting her to join the Hogwarts School when she turns 11!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

A Crash on the Playground

Today Brooke and one of her classmates slammed into each other while playing tag on the playground. They both needed to go to the doctor. Concussions have been pretty much ruled out for the both of them, but Brooke may have a broken nose. We find out tomorrow. I feel so grateful that both are doing OK now and that in the scheme of things, a broken nose is alot less severe than what could have been. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Offer from a stranger

I took the girls to see "Monsters University" today at the Beltway Movie Theaters. I did not realize that they only take cash and so when I got to the ticket counter, I said aloud "Oh no, I don't have enough cash to pay for the tickets." One of the two women behind me asked if I would like to have some of her cash in order to pay for the tickets. I was meeting some friends there and knew I could borrow cash from them so I declined the woman's offer. I thanked her immensely for her kindness and told her that it meant alot to me.

The world is filled with beautiful people.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Soccer Games and an Improv Band

Here are some pictures of the games today. We also attended a "Mermaid Heart Day" party for Olivia whose story I mentioned yesterday. LOVED the improv band!

Friday, September 6, 2013

A New Heart

I LOVE that one of my precious students was given a new heart when she was an infant 6 years ago today. Her angelic fairy-like spirit is a joy to be around and I hope that her donor's family knows what love this little girl is bringing to the world!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Yes, I Am a Soccer Mom

Ok, I'll admit it. I L-O-V-E being a soccer mom. My gentle persona turns into a loud yelling machine once I get on the sidelines. So far, my daughters haven't minded that their mother gets stares from other parents. And I make sure to only yell "go, go, go" and "great kick" as opposed to running along the side of the field acting as a pseudo coach. 

I am so proud of both of my girls who have come such a long way in their soccer skills. Brooke has switched from a butterfly watching defender to a hard kicking goal scorer. Maya has turned into an amazingly aggressive player this year due to a sudden swell in confidence. 

Pictures to follow soon after Saturday's first game. I don't know who is more excited.....the girls, Coach Tony, or me!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Phone Call From a Friend

I LOVE that a simple phone call from a friend can shift my perception of life in an instant. I am so very grateful for my girlfriends!!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Made with Love

Today one of my new students gave me this picture that she painted for me. My favorite parts are the two figures (her and I) standing underneath the rainbow holding hands. Not sure if I am the teacher in the relationship or she is!

Monday, September 2, 2013

"The Way of the Happy Woman: Living the Best Year of Your Life"

One of my friends recently bought this book and sent me an email thanking me for being a part of supporting her during this past, most trying year of her life. She also shared these quotes from the pages that she has read in the book so far. I loved them so much that I ordered the book today. Enjoy!

“Another world is not only possible, she’s on her way…on a quiet day, if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing.”   --Arundhati Roy

“If we forget, we can remember again”  --Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Este’s

Oxytocin (love hormone, and blessedly released in multitude when giving birth)
“The benefits of the love hormone in women continue to be discovered.  A UCLA study revealed that when women are under stress and gather for support, the tend-and-befriend response kicks in and oxytocin is secreted, helping to curb the fight-or-flight response,.  In short, science now supports what girlfriends have always know.  We need one another.” 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Roller Skating Fun

Thoroughly enjoyed one of my former student's roller skating birthday party and parents alike skating at of my former hang outs. Loved the determination of all the children even after falling time and time again!