Sunday, August 11, 2013

Our Amazingly Talented Friend

Thanks to our AMAZINGLY talented friend, Paul, our kitchen project is moving along nicely. While we were away eating, drinking, and lounging, Paul was working hard to take out the window in the kitchen, build up the new half wall, and (my favorite) widen the entryway into the kitchen from the front of the house. He also helped our electrician rework alot of the very old wiring and install 12 new lighting cans (13 hour day). And, in his spare time, Paul met with a prospective hardwood flooring company representative when he came to give us an estimate. 

We cannot express how grateful we are to have such a generous and hard working friend in our lives. 

New Half Wall

Huge New Kitchen

Expanded Entryway! 

On another note, we have made up makeshift kitchen stations throughout the house. Dinner on night one.....a success! May be hard to find what I love about it mid-September!   :)