Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Day Back

Today was my first day back to work after summer break. Summer break is one amazing perk of working as a teacher. I love having the summer off with my girls and having such a long opportunity to sit back, breathe, and refocus.

Even though part of me is pining for a few more days (I mean weeks!), a larger part of me is really excited to see my co-workers and reconnect with my students. Today's events reminded me of one of the many things I love about my colleagues/extended family. No one can work in this school and not feel the connection among the faculty and staff. This year we will face many changes including a major shift in the elementary program in which I teach. Today we spent time as a staff talking about the kind of support that we will each need to successfully navigate these new waters. We committed to looking out for one another and to respectfully making requests when needed. I have never worked in a place that took the time to talk about these kinds of things.

I am grateful and honored to be a part of this great group.

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