Saturday, August 17, 2013

Looking With Large Mind

In my coursework at Tai Sophia Institute, I learned that there can be two ways to look at things: small mind and large mind. In small mind, we focus on a very narrow perspective and life feels difficult. In large mind, we focus on the bigger picture and life flows.

Looking at my morning in small mind, I see my daughters as two very tired, cranky girls. In large mind, I see my daughters waking up early to help at our school's "Spruce Up" Day because I asked them to. They spent the morning helping when they were asked and finding ways to entertain themselves when they needed to.

Looking at my afternoon in small mind, I see a jungle of a yard outside my door because yard work again did not get done. I also see a fridge full of "unhealthy" carry out items. Looking at my afternoon in large mind, I see a husband who went on a much desired bike ride, girls who put away all their clothes, myself taking an awesome run in the neighborhood on a beautiful day, and a chance to plan our dinner menu for next week before heading to the food store tomorrow.

Looking at my evening in small mind, I see another night when my girls aren't getting to bed on time which will leave them more cranky than they were today. Looking at my evening in large mind, I see an opportunity spend time with my mother and step-father, a chance to enjoy a home-cooked meal, and the time to connect electronically with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew.

Kind of crazy that I would choose to look at my life in any other way than in large mind. I can feel the difference even through these written words. I LOVE THAT I HAVE THE CHOICE!!!!

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