Monday, August 5, 2013

Running, Biking, and Blood Donation

Today was a fun day. Started the day with a run with my awesome running mate Gigi and then spent some quality time with friends on the beach. Had a lovely time walking in Northside Park in the evening while the kids rode bikes and played on the playground. Spent time late in the evening watching Harry Potter with Maya, Tony, and Mary. Maya has been reading the book series and was so excited to begin watching the movie series.

On another note, this morning while reading the Baltimore Sun paper, I came across an article that intrigued me. ("Demand for Dog Blood Increases in the Summer")  It described the process of blood donation by animals. I had never really thought of it before perhaps because I haven't owned a dog as an adult. I loved the gentle way the donation volunteers and owners treat the dogs during giving blood.

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