Saturday, August 31, 2013


Tonight we went over a friend's house for a crab feast. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting outside and picking crabs with my friends while the children played. What a great way to celebrate the "non-official" end of summer!

Whoops---Yesterday's Post: My Husband Who Rocks

Life has been quite hectic with the start of school and kitchen renovations. In the midst of my chaotically wonderful life, I LOVE having a husband who supports me, listens to me, takes care of our children, has similar values, and knows how to have fun. I also love that he enjoys coaching 6 and 7 year old girls soccer.......any guy who has fun doing that is a winner in my book!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Winging It

Today I am grateful for carry out Chinese food eaten on our bed while watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with the family. Maybe this no kitchen thing isn't so bad!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day of the New School Year

I love that in the midst of lots of change at our school, we had a wonderful first day back to school. I LOVE my students and I am so excited for a new year.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Christiane Northrup

I love listening to what Dr. Christiane Northrup, a specialist in the field of women's medicine, has to say. She has a wonderful energy and an innovative way of looking at the world. This is her post from today which describes an amazing adventure of her 87 year old mother and her 90 year old friend. My new role models..........

" As I write this, my mother, age 87, has just taken off across the U.S. in her RV with her best friend Anne who is 90. They’re driving across the country on back roads—with the eventual goal of visiting the stately Sequoias on the West Coast in California. These two have also hiked the 100 highest peaks in New England, and also completed the Appalachian Trail together. Meanwhile, my friend and colleague, Gladys McGarey, M.D., age 93, continues to bring her signature brand of practical healing wisdom to the world in her newest book, “The World Needs Old Ladies: They are The Tree of Life”. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

In setting up the math shelves in my classroom today, I realized I wanted to put out a bunch of recording sheets for all the concrete math materials the children will be using. A simple search online led me to a site with everything I needed. I love it!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Clearing Out

I love that my hubby and I successfully moved all of the "stuff" from our living room and kitchen area so that the floors can be sanded tomorrow. We did so with relative ease and without divorce papers.  :)

Our Makeshift Kitchen

Another View

Beautiful Weaving In of New Flooring

Can't wait to see the finished product!!

Empty Living Room

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Above and Beyond

One of my friends, Dana, from CCBC shared this story today. She saw a chance to help and didn't let her fear stop her. Simply beautiful........

"Just stopped my car in the middle of Northern Parkway to help an elderly man cross the street. He almost fell 3 times crossing the street. Thought I was going to have a heart attack. Paul is 80 years old and didn't have anybody there to help him. I gave him my number. I hope he calls me."

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Power of Gratitude

Today I was both a giver and a receiver of gratitude. Life is way too short to live any other way.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Grateful for Good News

Today was a little bit more challenging to find the love. Lots going on with both house and school and it has been a few days since I have taken the time to exercise so I have been feeling a bit lethargic. 

So, this evening, I was "calling in" love from the Universe. In response to my call:

1) The second Harry Potter movie came in the mail so we had some family movie time after dinner.

2) Plans changed a bit for tomorrow night which freed up time for me to take the girls to soccer practice more easily and even squeeze in a run.

3) I received an email with a positive response for a request that I made.

4) Tony made tacos for dinner and both of my girls loved them.....a HUGE deal!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Monday, August 19, 2013

Game Night

I LOVE that tonight we dropped everything and played games. Lots on our minds, but spending time with our girls is priceless!! (Brooke actually is having a good time despite the look on her face!)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Eating Healthier Again

Besides a home cooked meal at Mom's last night, 

we have not been eating the healthiest of foods. After a planned out trip to the food store today, we got back into the swing of healthy eating. Yay!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Looking With Large Mind

In my coursework at Tai Sophia Institute, I learned that there can be two ways to look at things: small mind and large mind. In small mind, we focus on a very narrow perspective and life feels difficult. In large mind, we focus on the bigger picture and life flows.

Looking at my morning in small mind, I see my daughters as two very tired, cranky girls. In large mind, I see my daughters waking up early to help at our school's "Spruce Up" Day because I asked them to. They spent the morning helping when they were asked and finding ways to entertain themselves when they needed to.

Looking at my afternoon in small mind, I see a jungle of a yard outside my door because yard work again did not get done. I also see a fridge full of "unhealthy" carry out items. Looking at my afternoon in large mind, I see a husband who went on a much desired bike ride, girls who put away all their clothes, myself taking an awesome run in the neighborhood on a beautiful day, and a chance to plan our dinner menu for next week before heading to the food store tomorrow.

Looking at my evening in small mind, I see another night when my girls aren't getting to bed on time which will leave them more cranky than they were today. Looking at my evening in large mind, I see an opportunity spend time with my mother and step-father, a chance to enjoy a home-cooked meal, and the time to connect electronically with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew.

Kind of crazy that I would choose to look at my life in any other way than in large mind. I can feel the difference even through these written words. I LOVE THAT I HAVE THE CHOICE!!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Really Cool Website

Today I was directed a couple of times to a website called "Twisted Sifter". It has some amazing photos in a wide variety of areas and on a wide variety of topics. Here is one that was so very interesting.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Day Back

Today was my first day back to work after summer break. Summer break is one amazing perk of working as a teacher. I love having the summer off with my girls and having such a long opportunity to sit back, breathe, and refocus.

Even though part of me is pining for a few more days (I mean weeks!), a larger part of me is really excited to see my co-workers and reconnect with my students. Today's events reminded me of one of the many things I love about my colleagues/extended family. No one can work in this school and not feel the connection among the faculty and staff. This year we will face many changes including a major shift in the elementary program in which I teach. Today we spent time as a staff talking about the kind of support that we will each need to successfully navigate these new waters. We committed to looking out for one another and to respectfully making requests when needed. I have never worked in a place that took the time to talk about these kinds of things.

I am grateful and honored to be a part of this great group.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Amazing Practice of Kindness---Stony Brook University

I was watching the Ellen Degeneres show today and saw that she has a program called "Kick in the Kindness" week. I was really touched by the ripple effect produced by her program and went to her Facebook page to find out more. 

I saw this video on the page which was produced by students at Stony Brook University. As college students, many of them spend the late night hours studying (or partying) and end up making a visit to the local Dunkin Donuts. An employee named Zamir works the late shift and is known to greet each and every customer with the utmost of kindness. In this video, the students get together to shower Zamir with gifts and cards of recognition. He is surprised and at the same time deeply touched.

This video is yet another example of how your simple acts of kindness and acknowledgment can make an impact even when you don't know it.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Seal Sitters

I read an article yesterday about an organization called "Seal Sitters". It was started by a woman named Robin Lindsey who in 2007 was eating lunch with friends on a beach in West Seattle. She saw a mob of about 200 people crowding around a baby seal. She and some other onlookers contacted NOAA (North ) who came to place a tape barrier to protect the seal. The next morning she returned to the beach to see if the pup would be back, and he was. She named him Spud and every morning for a week, he popped his head out of the water and she watched as he came out of the water to take a break from swimming.

Not knowing much about marine life, she quickly learned that seals can't swim all day and night like sharks. They need to rest. When they are exhausted and can't swim any further, they come to the beach to "haul out". If the beach is too crowded with people, they have nowhere to go.

Seal Sitters volunteers spend their days (and often nights) observing and protecting marine mammals of all species and ages. They are also involved in educating others.

Robin Lindsey

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Our Amazingly Talented Friend

Thanks to our AMAZINGLY talented friend, Paul, our kitchen project is moving along nicely. While we were away eating, drinking, and lounging, Paul was working hard to take out the window in the kitchen, build up the new half wall, and (my favorite) widen the entryway into the kitchen from the front of the house. He also helped our electrician rework alot of the very old wiring and install 12 new lighting cans (13 hour day). And, in his spare time, Paul met with a prospective hardwood flooring company representative when he came to give us an estimate. 

We cannot express how grateful we are to have such a generous and hard working friend in our lives. 

New Half Wall

Huge New Kitchen

Expanded Entryway! 

On another note, we have made up makeshift kitchen stations throughout the house. Dinner on night one.....a success! May be hard to find what I love about it mid-September!   :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Childlike at Any Age

Today, on our way home, we stopped at Rehobeth Beach. While there, Tony and the girls hit the Paratrooper. 

The girls then went on the Cruiser ride. I was so touched by an older couple who decided to go on the ride with all the little kids. They had so much fun and their fun in turn made us all smile!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Shell Collecting Walk With My Girl

My favorite part of the day was taking a walk on the beach to collect shells with Brooke. I loved her enthusiasm at finding these small treasures. She is my true role model when it comes to joy!

Taking a Swim

I forgot to do this post officially yesterday, but I was still very much mindful of looking for love. We went kayaking on Ayers Creek in the morning. Maya was my kayak buddy and while paddling along, she mentioned wanting to jump in the creek and go for a swim. She sai she was really nervous and when I told her she could, she hesitated and said "I am too scared." After talking about it some more and pulling the kayak over to a piling so I could hold on, she decided to go for it. She threw her legs over the side of the kayak and jumped out. She loved it! I love her budding sense of adventure and her trust that I "have her back."

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

More Birthday Partying

Had a fun time today...,after a cold, rainy start we hit the Boardwalk. Took some fun photo strip pictures, shopped at Candy Kitchen, and tried our luck at the claw machines. Later in the evening we had my belated birthday celebration.....our annual crab feast with chocolate birthday cake to top it all off. Delightful!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Having a Great Time Playing With My Peeps

Today we went go-karting, antiquing, and goofed around at a restaurant. We also went to the Old Tyme Photo shop and had some fun photos taken. My girls and my hubby are great playmates!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Running, Biking, and Blood Donation

Today was a fun day. Started the day with a run with my awesome running mate Gigi and then spent some quality time with friends on the beach. Had a lovely time walking in Northside Park in the evening while the kids rode bikes and played on the playground. Spent time late in the evening watching Harry Potter with Maya, Tony, and Mary. Maya has been reading the book series and was so excited to begin watching the movie series.

On another note, this morning while reading the Baltimore Sun paper, I came across an article that intrigued me. ("Demand for Dog Blood Increases in the Summer")  It described the process of blood donation by animals. I had never really thought of it before perhaps because I haven't owned a dog as an adult. I loved the gentle way the donation volunteers and owners treat the dogs during giving blood.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sand Art

Today we saw some beautiful sand art on the beach....a turtle, an octopus, a pyramid, a whale, and two beautiful mermaids. It was amazing the community of people who came together to help build and admire the sculptures.