Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ahhhh….Coming Back to Me

Monday, June 2nd: Tonight I went to an angel meditation led by my friend Mary. I was so grateful for the messages of rest, fun, and relaxation that I received. It has been a long, long school year.

Tuesday, June 3rd: Tonight, as I anticipate the last day of school with the children, I remember all the wonderful experiences that my children and I have had at Free State. While painful, I love the growth that I have had this year and the strength that I have gained.

Wednesday, June 4th: I will miss these beautiful children (except for my own)!

Thursday, June 5th: One of the hardest days of my life and one of the best days of my life. Greeted with the command to get my stuff and get out after 4 years of hard work and 6 years of supporting the school. All because of two people who have toxic energy and cannot look at themselves in the mirror. Later in the day, realizing that I am now free from having to be in their presence anymore.

Friday, June 6th: Free day (since I do not have to be cleaning at Free State)………spent the day preparing for the next chapter in my professional life!

Saturday, June 7th: Heading to Shenandoah National Park for some camping time with my three favorite people!

Sunday, June 8th: Shenandoah…one of my favorite places!

Monday, June 9th: Heading home…..looking forward to regrouping at home after a very busy few weeks. Love the idea of a shower and sleeping in my bed!!

Tuesday, June 10th: Taking Maya to register at Pine Grove Elementary School today. A bit bittersweet….I know that she has a good foundation underneath of her and her excitement about moving to a new school helps me to know that this is the best choice for her and our family. Here's to many new and rewarding school experiences!!

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