Sunday, June 22, 2014

Saturday, June 21st: Today I went to the Hay House sponsored "I Can Do It" conference. It was fabulous…..Dr Wayne Dyer, Iyanla Van Zant, Anita Moorjani, Immaculee Ilibagiza, and many more fabulous speakers. I went with two of my dear friends, Heather and Karen. Feel so uplifted!

Sunday, June 22nd: Today I am going back to the conference to hear Doreen Virtue, Joe DiSpenza, Cheryl Richardson, and Caroline Myss. Then Tony is picking me up to head to the airport for the first leg of our Costa Rica journey. We will be there until July 3rd so I won't be posting again until July 4th. Looking forward to having a lot of great pictures and wonderful stories to share then!

Friday, June 20, 2014


Thursday, June 19th: Today shifted several things in our lives…my work situation and Brooke's school situation. Everything is for the better and will work out fine, but at the same time, some changes are harder to digest than others. I am so grateful for all the support I feel at this time. I am truly surrounded by loving people.

Friday, June 20th: Today was a day of more processing and a chance to slow down the pace. I am so grateful to be sitting outside watching my hubby grill our dinner while typing this. My backyard is an oasis!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday, June 18th: So grateful that Tony worked from home today….slept in, went for a run, had a nice lunch with my mom and step-father, spent some time at the library getting books for our trip to Costa Rica, and then a relaxing evening at home.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sunday, June 15th: Feeling so grateful to have spent the day with our fathers. Realizing that not everyone had that opportunity.

Monday, June 16th: Today I was so grateful that I went to the dentist and had no cavities and experienced no pain. I am so fearful of going to the dentist because of bad experiences in the past and even though my current dentist is gentle and loving, I still freeze up when I go. Today was easy and painless!

Tuesday, June 17th: Today the girls and I, along with their friend Lola, will be going to the Gunpowder State Park to go swimming and hang with some of the ladies that I used to work with. I am so grateful to stay connected to these ladies and their families. We have been through alot together and yet remained close. So grateful to have them in my life!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday, June 14th: So very grateful for a night to myself while Tony took the girls to a birthday party…..went for a run, cut the front lawn, did a bunch of organizing my files, caught up on Scandal!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Thursday, June 12th: Last night as Brooke was in her room getting ready to go to bed, she started spinning around. She slipped and slammed her head on the side of her shelf. She split her forehead open and blood started gushing out. I ended up taking her to the hospital emergency room where we stayed for 2 1/2 hours. The staff there was wonderful and really helped her through the process of getting stitches. I am so very grateful that she did not end up having a concussion and that she bounced back so quickly.

Friday, June 13th: Today was a rainy day but I loved spending time with my friend Heather and her boys as well as having some chill time with my girls while we watched a taping of "So You Think You Can Dance". Rainy days aren't so bad when you are snuggled on the couch!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Visit With My Friend Betsey

Wednesday, June 11th: Today I went to see my friend Betsey who does cranio-sacral therapy. She did a session with Maya first and then with me. Being in her supportive hands was so relaxing!  I am so grateful to have her in my life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Ahhhh….Coming Back to Me

Monday, June 2nd: Tonight I went to an angel meditation led by my friend Mary. I was so grateful for the messages of rest, fun, and relaxation that I received. It has been a long, long school year.

Tuesday, June 3rd: Tonight, as I anticipate the last day of school with the children, I remember all the wonderful experiences that my children and I have had at Free State. While painful, I love the growth that I have had this year and the strength that I have gained.

Wednesday, June 4th: I will miss these beautiful children (except for my own)!

Thursday, June 5th: One of the hardest days of my life and one of the best days of my life. Greeted with the command to get my stuff and get out after 4 years of hard work and 6 years of supporting the school. All because of two people who have toxic energy and cannot look at themselves in the mirror. Later in the day, realizing that I am now free from having to be in their presence anymore.

Friday, June 6th: Free day (since I do not have to be cleaning at Free State)………spent the day preparing for the next chapter in my professional life!

Saturday, June 7th: Heading to Shenandoah National Park for some camping time with my three favorite people!

Sunday, June 8th: Shenandoah…one of my favorite places!

Monday, June 9th: Heading home…..looking forward to regrouping at home after a very busy few weeks. Love the idea of a shower and sleeping in my bed!!

Tuesday, June 10th: Taking Maya to register at Pine Grove Elementary School today. A bit bittersweet….I know that she has a good foundation underneath of her and her excitement about moving to a new school helps me to know that this is the best choice for her and our family. Here's to many new and rewarding school experiences!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Friday, May 30th: I love the power of a group of supportive women….no judgment, only loving support.

Saturday, May 31st: After a fun day in the sun, we took my mom out to dinner for her birthday. It was lovely to spend time celebrating her!

Sunday, June 1st: Tonight I connected with a dear friend. Even though our lives are very different, we are traveling similar paths. Our friendship is a joy and another reminder that we all come from the same place.