Sunday, April 27, 2014

Catching Up!

Thursday, April 24th: Tonight Brooke had her first outdoor soccer game of the season. It was so fun to watch her get her little body in the way of the players on the opposing team. She is fearless when it comes to that, even after breaking her nose last year! Papa Tony, who coaches the team, had a bit more fun than the girls for sure!

Friday, April 25th: Tonight I had our parenting group meeting. I am always touched, when I get together with a group of my friends, how amazing they are and how supportive a group of women can be. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my thinking and that I have people in my life who can both support and hold me accountable in a loving way.

Saturday, April 26th: Tonight we went to the Bull Roast put on by parents of our school. Even given the tension and toxicity surrounding our school lately, it was a wonderful time of celebration. I haven't taken the opportunity to dance so much in a really long time and it felt great. Much needed night out!

Sunday, April 27th: Looking forward to spending some time with friends on their boat tonight. I haven't been on a boat in a really long time and it is a gorgeous day for it.

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