Sunday, April 27, 2014

Catching Up!

Thursday, April 24th: Tonight Brooke had her first outdoor soccer game of the season. It was so fun to watch her get her little body in the way of the players on the opposing team. She is fearless when it comes to that, even after breaking her nose last year! Papa Tony, who coaches the team, had a bit more fun than the girls for sure!

Friday, April 25th: Tonight I had our parenting group meeting. I am always touched, when I get together with a group of my friends, how amazing they are and how supportive a group of women can be. It is nice to know that I am not alone in my thinking and that I have people in my life who can both support and hold me accountable in a loving way.

Saturday, April 26th: Tonight we went to the Bull Roast put on by parents of our school. Even given the tension and toxicity surrounding our school lately, it was a wonderful time of celebration. I haven't taken the opportunity to dance so much in a really long time and it felt great. Much needed night out!

Sunday, April 27th: Looking forward to spending some time with friends on their boat tonight. I haven't been on a boat in a really long time and it is a gorgeous day for it.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

I LOVE that today was the first day that I saw a light at the end of a long, long tunnel! Community, gratitude, being yourself, and love always wins!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Biking Riding, Easter Fun, and the Boston Marathon

Saturday, April 19th: We had a great family relaxation day today! Tony spent some time teaching Brooke how to ride a bike without training wheels. She is getting there!

Sunday, April 20th:  We had a nice day visiting Dad and Carol and then Mary's family. The girls got to play with their cousins Remi, Liam, Brianna, and Maddie.

Monday, April 21st: Loved this post about the history of the Boston Marathon which was held today. 

In celebration of today's Boston Marathon, we're sharing the dramatic story of the first woman to officially run the historic race. Kathrine Switzer's experience is a revealing illustration of the barriers that trailblazing women athletes had to overcome and of how far girls and women in sports have come in only a few decades.
In 1967, Switzer was a 20-year-old college student at Syracuse University when she registered for the race using her initials, K.V. Switzer. Not realizing that she was a woman, who were barred from participating in the Boston Marathon for over 70 years, race officials issued her an entry number.
During the race, marathon official Jock Semple attempted to physically remove Switzer from the marathon after discovering she was female. Other runners, including Switzer’s boyfriend Tom Miller, blocked Semple and she was able to complete the marathon. Pictures of the incident and the story of Switzer’s participation in the marathon made global headlines.
After the marathon, Switzer became deeply engaged in efforts to increase girls’ and women’s access to sports and she and other women runners finally convinced the Boston Athletic Association to drop their discriminatory policies and allow women to participate in 1972. By 2011, nearly 43 percent of Boston Marathon entrants were female. Switzer also helped lead the drive for the inclusion of a women’s marathon in the Olympic Games -- a victory which was achieved at long last with the first women's marathon at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
To read more about Kathrine Switzer's inspirational story, we recommend her autobiography, "Marathon Woman: Running the Race to Revolutionize Women's Sports," which you can find at
To watch a wonderful short Makers interview with Switzer about her experiences breaking barriers in women’s sports, visit
For an excellent resource for teaching tweens and teens about the history of Title IX -- the landmark 1972 U.S. civil rights legislation which opened up many athletic opportunities for girls by prohibiting gender discrimination in educational activities --we highly recommend "Let Me Play: The Story of Title IX: The Law That Changed the Future of Girls in America" for ages 11 and up at
To inspire your children with the stories of more female sports trailblazers, visit our “Sports / Games” section at
For more stories of both real-life and fictional girls and women confronting sexism and prejudice in a multitude of forms, visit our "Gender Discrimination" section at
And, if your Mighty Girl loves sports, check out our collection of girl-empowering t-shirts and select 'sports' from the left menu at

Friday, April 18, 2014

Earth Day Celebration, Book Club and Birthday Dinner

Thursday, April 17th: Today we had a nice Earth Day celebration at school. Maya and Brooke's class performed a student written skit about the importance of trees. It was adorable!

At night, I went to my friend's house for my Book Club meeting. I love having such a diverse group of women to call my friends. They are open minded and so very intelligent. It is an honor to be among them.

Friday, April 18th: Tonight we went to Tony's parents' house to celebrate Jen and Gordon's birthday. It it amazing to me to have watched Jen grow from a little 4 year old into a beautiful 23 year old. Gordon is a sweet man who is always so genuinely touched by the thoughtful gestures of his children and grandchildren.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Good Friends and Gratitude Within Challenging Times

Tuesday, April 15th: Tonight I went to dinner with most of the staff at my job. It was a bittersweet event because we all love each other so much and because of the crazy drama going on at work, almost all of us are leaving after this year. I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with each and every one of them and will take with me a piece (or two) of wisdom from each of them.

Wednesday, April 16th: Tonight I am grateful for a few things: going for a short yet intense run, having daughter who is in love with school and learning, listening to my daughters sing Happy Birthday to their grandfather over the phone, having a family dinner during the week, having families who love my teaching style so much they are willing to follow me anywhere, and knowing that after tomorrow, I have a four day weekend!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Cherry Blossoms and

Sunday, April 13th: Spent a fun day traveling south to check out the Cherry Blossoms and visit with Uncle Tom and Aunt Barbara. So grateful for a gorgeous day!

Monday, April 14th: Today seems a bit harder to find something that I love. I found out bad news in regards to a job and my community and it feels like my faith is wavering. I know I need to trust in love and my bigger reason for being here on Earth. Today I love my family and my friends. Without their support and faith in me, things would be overwhelming.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Amazing Day

So much to love about today......waking up early to catch up on Homeland, kid clothes shopping with the girls and my mom, clothes shopping for me (and because of the detox the clothes fit wonderfully!), short run followed by hanging out in the hammock, healthy dinner with the family, and now some movie time with my hubby. Oh, and one of the best parts was the fabulous weather--sunny and in the mid-70's!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Soccer Game and Reiki

Yesterday Maya and I played a game of keep away soccer. She is pretty darn good! I loved our laughter and connection. And it was quite the workout for this girl who hasn't exercised regularly all winter!

Brooke was sick with a 101 degree fever yesterday. I took her to the doctor's office and she was diagnosed with a virus. The doctor said that she would be feeling bad for a few days and to keep her home from activities. Yesterday, she rested and drank water all day and I did a Reiki treatment on her. This morning she woke up feeling much better! Almost back to her normal bubbly self. A true testament to rest and Reiki!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Trampoline Fun

I can't believe how much I felt like a little girl today as I jumped on the trampoline with Maya and Brooke. We played lots of jumping games while singing, dancing, and laughing our heads off! I hope to always remember how much they loved having me play with them and how much fun I had listening to their laughter.  :)

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Finally A Run

After a long day, I am so glad to have persuaded myself to go for a short run. I need to continue to remember self-care in all this craziness.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Day of Rest and Smooth Sailing

Sunday, April 6th:  Today I spent the day sleeping on the couch and watching TV. It is not like me to take a whole weekend day to rest. I am grateful that I listened to my body and gave it what it needed.

Monday, April 7th:  So grateful for a smooth transition back into the classroom with my co-worker. Lots going on at work and so this smooth day was so special. Holding the intention that it will be this way for the rest of the school year.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Thursday, April 3rd: Sweet letter from my pen of my second grade students!

Friday, April 4th:  I love that we got to spend the evening with some very dear friends. No matter what might happen at school for the rest of the year, I am so very grateful for the friendships we have made there!

Saturday, April 5th:  I love that my daughters have such amazing friends. Tonight Maya is having a sleepover party with her best friends. I have had the pleasure of teaching each one of them and watching them grow from the 3 and 4 year olds into the 8, 9, and 10 year olds they are. So very sweet!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Trampoline Time

15 minutes on the trampoline with my girls = lots of giggles, some good exercise, and touching base with my inner 10 year old!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Spring is Here!

Monday, March 31: So very grateful to have some warmer weather. It was supposed to be our spring break this week but because of snow days, we needed to make up the days. We decided to make it a lighter week and so we have been doing crafts and double recess in the afternoons.

Tuesday, April 1: Today sitting under the warm sun, I felt so grateful to know that life moves on. I am so ready to move onto the next chapter of my life (and I know that I still have some lessons to learn before I get there). I pray for an easy learning and a swift transition!