Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Ever since the conference I went to in October, I have been thinking alot about angels. I have been using angel oracle cards for many years now and more recently I have bought oracle cards as apps on my iPhone. I have been receiving alot of signs from the angels lately including lots of repeated numbers, coins, inner voices pointing me in certain directions.

One message that I have been seeing lately is 1:11 on a clock or even 1:11 left on the scoreboard while watching the Ravens game this past Sunday. It wasn't like I was waiting for that moment in time to happen. I just looked at the clock at that moment and there it was. (As an aside, when I was recently in the airport, my lunch rang up to $11.11!). Doreen Virtue, who is an expert on working with angels, wrote a book about how angels use numbers to communicate with the human world. When I was in Barnes and Noble tonight, I saw her book about this (which was on display) and took a picture of a chart of number messages.

Also, on the shelf was the book "Assertiveness for Earth Angels" which I have been keeping my eye on and plan on buying with money that I receive as a gift this Christmas. It is all so fascinating to me and I am claiming it as a future passion of mine!

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