Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day, Dog Love, Baby Love, Lamprey Love

Sunday, May 11th: The girls and I took my mom to Teavolve in Harbor East. We had a nice brunch and then spent some time shopping in the area. It was a nice "girls" day out. Later, I went for a run (in my new cool running shoes) and spent time at the Strauss' for a cookout.

Monday, May 12th: We have a special week this week at school called Intensive Learning Week where parents, family members, and friends come in to share a special interest or hobby with the children. Today, one of the parents brought his dog to teach the children about obedience training. This dog, despite the close to 90 degree weather, marched up and down the field listening to childrens' commands for 3 hours. He was so dedicated and loyal. It touched me.

Tuesday, May 13th: Today I got to hold, just for a brief time, a precious three month old. I can't get enough of that baby energy!

Wednesday, May 14th: Today, our class went on a stream walk. We found an American Brook Lamprey......a threatened species in the state of Maryland. Very cool!

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