Saturday, May 17, 2014

Finding Gratitude

Thursday, May 15th: Today I led a group of students in a button bracelet making session. Their enthusiasm over a tin of buttons was amazing! I love working with children so very much!

Friday, May 16th: Tonight I had a reminder of how important girlfriends are. I went to a bridal shower with a bunch of my co-workers. These ladies are so supportive and loving towards each other. The night was bittersweet as many of us will be leaving the school next year. I love that I have had the opportunity to work with each of them throughout these past four years.

Saturday, May 17th: Today was a great day. It started with taking the girls to swimming lessons. Then we went shopping for some journals that they will use for their ABC books that they are creating in school. I came home and did some writing and then we dropped the girls off at a birthday party. We spent time catching up with a friend and then went back to the party to hang out with the parents there. Again, bittersweet in a way and at the same time so grateful to have had the chance to know and teach these beautiful children.

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