Thursday, May 29, 2014


Thursday, May 29th: So happy to have had the opportunity to get a pedicure with my girls tonight! Summer is coming!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Watching Old Videos

Wednesday, May 28th: Tonight we watched some old videos of the girls when they were little. It reminds me of how very grateful I am for my family and how much we have all grown……On another note, today Maya Angelou died. I have read her writing for years now and am in deep respect of her work and her way of being. I aspire to be like her.  RIP.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Beach Time!!!

Sunday, May 25th: Lewes Beach!

Monday, May 26th: Grateful for a safe and speedy trip home from the beach today.

Tuesday, May 27th: Today I walked into work to find a bag a chocolate in my mailbox. When the kids came in, one brought me a tomato plant and another brought me two healthy treats. To top it all of, my co-worker returned my sweater that she fixed for me. Easy day…..appreciation from many…..very grateful!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Wednesday, May 21: Today we took our elementary classes to Camp Donegal to start our spring camping trip. I am grateful that even in the pouring rain, the children were excited and had fun.

Thursday, May 22: Today I remembered how much I love being out in nature and working with children out in nature too.

Friday, May 23: So very, very grateful to have gone on this camping trip with like minded, patient, and loving people. It made the trip so enjoyable knowing that others were there to support and have fun.

Saturday, May 24:  Yahoo!!! Heading to Rehobeth Beach today for some relaxation time! I love that we have amazing friends and that we get to spend some time with them this weekend.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Monday, May 19th: So grateful to go to an angel meditation tonight. My message was to ground myself amidst all the stuff swirling around me and all the balls I am juggling. Love the relaxation meditation brings!

Tuesday, May 20th: So grateful for my snuggle partner tonight. He is always excited for Tony and I to sit down on the sofa after putting the girls to bed!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Conquering the Hill

Sunday, May 19th: Today after a lovely brunch with my dad and Carol and a helpful writing group meeting, I went for a run. The hill on my street is HUGE and making it up even part of the way is an accomplishment for me. Today I was feeling a bit tight but really wanted to go for the run. I was feeling pretty good and had alot on my mind so I did not give up while heading back up the hill towards my house. I made it up the hill and the other hills on the way back to my house without stopping. A huge victory especially so early in my running season!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Finding Gratitude

Thursday, May 15th: Today I led a group of students in a button bracelet making session. Their enthusiasm over a tin of buttons was amazing! I love working with children so very much!

Friday, May 16th: Tonight I had a reminder of how important girlfriends are. I went to a bridal shower with a bunch of my co-workers. These ladies are so supportive and loving towards each other. The night was bittersweet as many of us will be leaving the school next year. I love that I have had the opportunity to work with each of them throughout these past four years.

Saturday, May 17th: Today was a great day. It started with taking the girls to swimming lessons. Then we went shopping for some journals that they will use for their ABC books that they are creating in school. I came home and did some writing and then we dropped the girls off at a birthday party. We spent time catching up with a friend and then went back to the party to hang out with the parents there. Again, bittersweet in a way and at the same time so grateful to have had the chance to know and teach these beautiful children.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mother's Day, Dog Love, Baby Love, Lamprey Love

Sunday, May 11th: The girls and I took my mom to Teavolve in Harbor East. We had a nice brunch and then spent some time shopping in the area. It was a nice "girls" day out. Later, I went for a run (in my new cool running shoes) and spent time at the Strauss' for a cookout.

Monday, May 12th: We have a special week this week at school called Intensive Learning Week where parents, family members, and friends come in to share a special interest or hobby with the children. Today, one of the parents brought his dog to teach the children about obedience training. This dog, despite the close to 90 degree weather, marched up and down the field listening to childrens' commands for 3 hours. He was so dedicated and loyal. It touched me.

Tuesday, May 13th: Today I got to hold, just for a brief time, a precious three month old. I can't get enough of that baby energy!

Wednesday, May 14th: Today, our class went on a stream walk. We found an American Brook Lamprey......a threatened species in the state of Maryland. Very cool!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Soccer, Happy Hour, and Shopping with My Girl

Thursday, May 8: I loved watching Brooke's soccer game tonight. She has been with some of these girls for 6 soccer seasons and it is so fun to see how they have grown.

Friday, May 9: I loved having a happy hour with some of my besties while working on a new project. Feeling so lucky to have such wonderful friends!

Saturday, May 10: I always love when I can spend special time with one of my girls. Today Maya and I had some time together while we were shopping for Mother's Day gifts. I am so, so very thankful to be a mom and to have such sweet, intelligent, and loving children.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Warm Weather and a Loving Hubby

Tuesday, May 6th: I LOVED sitting outside during recess enjoying the warm sun on my back. What a treat!

Wednesday, May 7th: Happiness is coming home to a hug and a smile from my loving husband.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Monday, May 5th: Today I have loved the opportunity to work creatively on a new project. I realize how important that really is to me.

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Sunday, May 3rd: Today I love that I had the opportunity to catch up on the sleep that I have been missing all week! 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

40 Winks Under the Sphinx and

Friday, May 2, 2014: Today was Parent's Day at school. Maya's class performed the play that she wrote about Greek gods and goddesses. She was radiant!! So, so very proud of her and amazed at her motivation, talent, and love of learning!

Saturday, May 3, 2014:  Last night we spent the night at the Penn Museum in Philadelphia to sleep with the Sphinx. The kids had a great time!! Spent alot of today catching up on was worth it!!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Catching Up

Monday, April 28th: So grateful for the support of an honest and intelligent mentor!

Tuesday, April 29th: So grateful for having a new business partner!

Wednesday, April 30th: So grateful for a wonderfully supportive husband who is also a wonderful dad!

Thursday, May 1st: Watching Frozen with my girls....what a special treat!