Sunday, October 27, 2013

An inspirational weekend--10/26/13 and 10/27/13

Yesterday and today, I was in NYC attending the Louise Hay "I Can Do It" conference. The speakers were absolutely inspiring. Conference Speakers and Topics

There are so many stories that touched my heart:

1) A mother of one of the children killed in Newtown, Connecticut who instead of dwelling in the darkness of her pain, decided to create an organization called "Choose Love" that teaches children how to change their thoughts to more positive and loving ones.

2) A man who took the pain of his grandfather's abuse and father's suicide and transformed it into a commitment to treat others with radical kindness.

3) Wayne Dyer's personal story about curing himself of debilitating neck pain by recognizing that the pain was pointing to a greater truth

4) Louise Hay's beautiful presence at 87 years, loving, feisty, wise

I could go on and on and I am sure that I will as the weeks go by and a new piece of what I learned this weekend is evidenced in my life. I am committing now to:

1) Writing a children's book with Maya
2) Re-starting a spiritual parenting circle
3) Offering workshops for parents starting in January
4) Speaking to myself with kindness
5) Becoming aware of old scripts/patterns that no longer serve me

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