Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday's posts

Thursday, January 16th: Tonight Maya played in her indoor soccer game. The previous week, she was taken out at the very end of the game. She was upset about it because she knew it was because she wasn't playing her best. Tonight, she made the decision to give it her all and she played so amazingly. She was not afraid of the ball or of any of the other players. She played assertively and even got a penalty call for pushing off (not that I condone aggressiveness, but I do love how she was allowing herself to get fully into it). I am so proud of her for changing her thinking about the situation and being brave enough to fully commit.

Friday, January 17th: My former Montessori training classmate sent me this video of his school performing a sign language version of "I Want to See You Be Brave". I love the message of Montessori philosophy and also the message of speaking up for what you believe in.

Saturday, January 18th: Our class hosted a Martin Luther King Jr. celebration today. I did the presentation involving a brown egg and a white egg and talked about the connection between those and Martin Luther King's strong belief that even though we look different on the outside, we are the same on the inside and should be treated equally. After my class read a book called "Happy Birthday Martin Luther King", the children shared their dreams for making this world a better place. I loved that they talked about spending time with family and friends, taking care of each other, stopping global warming, taking care of the animals, and simply just spreading love. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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