Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Catching Up on My Posts---Trip to Panama

Thursday, November 21st:

Today I am so grateful to be headed to a warm country to meet Tony. My travels were safe and while at the airport, I called my good friend, Karen, who always inspires me. She told me of some great things happening in her life and reminded me once again about the miracles that can happen in our lives when we are open to them.

Friday, November 22nd:

After having breakfast with Tony, who then went to a meeting for work, I wandered around Panama for a bit. The downtown area is much like any city.

Later, I met up with Tony and we checked out of our hotel. We headed to the older section of the city called San Felipe or Casco Antigua. It is a quaint place with a mix of buildings that are in ruins and buildings that have been restored. Our new hotel was located there and was beautiful. We wandered around and enjoyed taking in the scenery.

Saturday, November 23rd:

Today we toured around the city some more....visiting the Panama Canal and talking to both the locals and other tourists. I love spending time with Tony and exploring this new place together.

Sunday, November 24th:

Today, we got up early and took a tour of a town about 2 hours north of Panama City, called El Valle. It is a town built in the middle of an extinct volcano and it is beautiful. While there, we visited a natural zoo, hiking up a mountain called "Sleeping Indian", and got a mud mask while visiting a thermal bath. Lots of fun!

Monday, November 25th: 

We headed home today. I am grateful for a safe flight home and for the sheer joy in seeing our girls again!

Tuesday, November 26th:

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with children and the freshness and honesty they bring to every encounter.

Wednesday, November 27th: 

I am so grateful for 5 days off of work with very little plans....sleeping in, snuggling by the fire, playing games with my girls, doing some Christmas shopping, and making meals together. Perfection!

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